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<  allgemeines Forum  ~  Bestial Mockery... WTF!?

BeitragVerfasst am: 24.08.2006, 11:57 Antworten mit Zitat
Mod Of The Rotten Anmeldedatum: 03.11.2003 Beiträge: 3480 Wohnort: Augusta Vindelicorum
Meldung von

After the departure from Hells Metal Festival in Germany the Bestial crew went to Sweden Rock Festival, where Bundy and Devilpig ended up in a fight. Due to Devilpigs high alcoholconsumation he ended up in a coma after the fight and 2 days later he was confirmed as dead and the doctors pulled the plug! His last wish was that "Chainsaw fucking down the church" would be played on bagpipe, this will not happen and...

Bestial Mockery have now went down into the grave!

There will still be several releases out in the coming year since much is recorded. But now you must fuck off!

/Bestial Mockery


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